Rabu 3 Februari 2010
Memperbaiki Printer
Selama menggunakan printer, pernahkah anda menemui masalah berikut ?
- Printer tidak dapat mencetak.
- Printer kelihatan mencetak, namun tidak ada sesuatu yang tertulis diatas kertas.
- Halaman cetakan tidak lengkap atau karakter yang dicetak aneh.
- Lampu indikator hanya berkedip-kedip terus saat diberikan perintah mencetak.
- Kertas tidak dapat masuk ke printer sebagaimana mestinya.
- Kertas tidak dapat keluar dari printer.
- Hasil cetakan bergaris -garis.
- Beberapa fitur yang dijanjikan oleh produsen printer tidak dapat bekerja.
- Printer menjadi lambat dalam mencetak.
- Font yang tercetak tidak sama dengan yang tampil di layar monitor.
Bila anda pernah menemui masalah -masalah diatas, mungkin tips-tips berikut ini dapat anda
gunakan sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membawa printer anda ke bengkel.
1. Printer tidak dapat mencetak
Ada beberapa kemungkinan yang dapat menyebabkan printer tidak dapat mencetak. Anda dapat
mulai untuk memeriksa hal-hal berikut:
1. Periksa koneksi printer dengan jaringan listrik. Pastikan kabel power printer telah
dicolokkan ke konektor (stop kontak) listrik dengan sempurna.
2. Pastikan saklar “on-off” printer atau tombol switch printer dalam posisi “on”. Permasalahan
yang diakibatkan oleh tidak adanya power untuk printer ini biasanya ditandai dengan tidak
menyalanya LED (lampu indikator) dari printer tersebut, selama printer menggunakan LED
untuk indikator power.
3. Periksa sambungan kabel data printer, apakah sudah terhubung dengan port pararel / port
USB di komputer dengan benar.
4. Cobalah untuk menggunakan kabel data printer yang lain (pinjam teman) sebagai
percobaan. Pernah terjadi kasus yang diakibatkan oleh putusnya tembaga dari salah satu
kabel data di tengah -tengah kabel sehingga data dari komputer tidak dapat sampai ke
5. Apabila anda menggunakan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, dan anda menggunakan
printer yang terhubung ke port pararel di komputer anda, coba jalankan perintah yang dicetak tebal berikut ini di jendela MSDOS Prompt:
6. C:\>dir >>LPT1
7. Maksud dari perintah diatas adalah untuk membelokkan hasil tampilan perintah “dir”
(perintah untuk penampilkan daftar isi dari suatu direktori) dari yang seharusnya ke monitor
namun dialihkan ke port pararel komputer.
8. Pastikan anda telah melakukan instalasi driver untuk printer tersebut.
9. Pastikan anda telah memilih driver yang tepat untuk printer yang anda gunakan.
10. Pastikan anda telah memilih port yang tepat untuk printer anda. Lihat opsi ini melalui menu
printer poperties.
11. Coba gunakan aplikasi teks editor standard untuk sistem operasi anda untuk mencetak
sesuatu (misalnya notepad). Jika aplikasi teks editor anda dapat mencetak, maka kemungkinan besar kesalahan bukan pada printer anda.
12. Cobalah untuk merubah setting printer anda menjadi “Default Printer” atau cobalah untuk
melakukan instalasi ulang driver untuk printer anda dengan nama printer yang lain dan ubahlah instalasi baru tersebut sebagai “Default Printer”.
13. Pastikan anda memiliki space hardisk yang mencukupi. Kadang jika buffer tidak cukup
maka data tidak dapat dikirim ke printer dengan sempurna.
14. Cobalah untuk merubah setting “spooler” untuk printer anda melalui menu properties
printer. Fitur “spooler” ini digunakan dengan tujuan agar anda tetap dapat menjalankan
aplikasi ketika dilakukan pencetakan dokumen.
15. Cek apakah ada resource yang konflik dengan port yang digunakan oleh printer anda.
Gunakan bantuan “hardware troubleshooter” apabila terjadi konflik.
Kasus ini mungkin juga disebabkan oleh port komputer anda yang bermasalah. Untuk
mengetahuinya, apabila langkah-langkah diatas sudah anda lakukan namun tidak menemukan “titik terang”, cobalah untuk memindah koneksi port printer anda ke port lain (misal USB1 ke USB3) atau cobalah printer anda di komputer lain.
2. Printer kelihatan mencetak, namun tidak ada sesuatu yang tertulis diatas kertas
Kasus ini umumnya disebabkan oleh kosongnya tinta atau toner printer atau habisnya karbon yang ada di pita printer anda . Cobalah untuk mengganti tinta, toner atau pita printer dengan yang baru. Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa apakah ada sesuatu yang menghalangi head dengan kertas (misalnya plastik segel pada printer baru). Ada kasus pada printer yang menggunakan tinta, dimana tinta yang masih berada di head printer telah kering karena printer lama tidak digunakan sehingga terjadi penyumbatan. Khusus untuk printer yang headnya dapat dilepas dengan mudah, masalah ini kadang dapat diselesaikan dengan cara yang sederhana berikut:
1. Lepaskan head dan catridge dari printer.
2. Pisahkan catridge tinta dari head.
3. Pastikan anda tidak memegang -megang rangkaian elektronik yang ada disekitar head printer
yang telah anda lepas karena dapat merusakkannya.
4. Ambil air panas, tuangkan dalam mangkok.
5. Celupkan ujung head ke dalam air panas yang ada dalam mangkok. Perhatikan jangan
sampai air menyentuh rangkaian elektronika yang ada di sekitar head karena dapat
6. Goyang -goyangkan head tersebut hingga tinta yang ada di dalam head mencair.
7. Ulangi langkah pencelupan (4 hingga 6) diatas dengan air panas yang baru hingga air panas
yang baru tetap bening (tidak terkontaminasi tinta yang keluar dari head).
8. Keringkan head dengan kain yang halus hingga benar-benar kering.
9. Satukan kembali catridge tinta dengan head. Disarankan untuk menggunakan catridge yang
masih baru.
10. Pasang kembali head dan catridge ke printer dan cobalah untuk mencetak. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman , ilustrasi berikut adalah gambaran langkah ke 4 hingga langkah ke
6 dari petunjuk diatas:
Bila anda telah mela kukan langkah -langkah pembersihan head seperti diatas namun hasilnya tetap sama, kemungkinan penyumbatan terjadi hingga bagian pipa penyaluran tinta. Bila hal ini terjadi, cobalah untuk menguapi saluran tinta head dengan uap panas hingga kira-kira tinta yang ada di dalam pipa mencair, kemudian ulangi langkah pembersihan head seperti diatas.
3. Halaman cetakan tidak lengkap atau karakter yang dicetak aneh
Kasus ini bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Coba ikuti petunjuk berikut :
1. Periksa hubungan printer dengan komputer, apakah hubungannya sudah sempurna.
2. Periksa kabel data yang anda gunakan. Cobalah mengganti dengan kabel data yang lain
(jangan langsung beli, pinjam teman dulu kabel data untuk memastikan kerusakan ini agar
anda tidak rugi).
3. Periksa pula driver yang anda gunakan untuk printer, apakah sudah sesuai atau belum. Bila
perlu, update atau install ulang driver dengan versi terbaru yang dikeluarkan secara resmi
oleh perusahaan pembuat printer.
4. Periksa apakah dokumen atau data yang anda cetak rusak. Kesalahan pembacaan data yang
disebabkan oleh kerusakan data dapat mengakibatkan hasil cetakan tidak lengkap atau
karakter yang dicetak tidak lengkap.
5. Pastikan pengaturan halaman pada aplikasi yang anda gunakan telah benar.
6. Pastikan anda masih memiliki kapasitas hardisk dan memori yang cukup untuk menuliskan
buffer data.
7. Periksa apakah printer anda memerlukan suatu prosedur maintenance pada saat tertentu.
Untuk tipe printer tertentu, mungkin saja anda perlu untuk mengatur ulang setting printer
anda setelah periode pemakaian tertentu.
4. Lampu indikator hanya berkedip-kedip terus saat diberikan perintah mencetak
Ada beberapa kemungkinan yang dapat menjadi penyebab hal ini seperti:
1. Catridge printer belum terpasang atau belum terpasang dengan sempurna.
2. Posisi pemasangan catridge tidak tepat.
3. Catridge yang dipasang pada printer tidak cocok untuk printer tersebut.
4. Tidak ada kertas di printer.
5. Setelah kertas yang dimuat belum ditekan tombol kertas masuk/resume.
6. Ada kertas yang tersumbat (nyangkut) di dalam printer.
7. Periksa apakah “pintu” printer telah ditutup dengan sempurna.
Jika kemungkinan diatas tidak ada yang sesuai untuk mengatasi masalah anda, cobalah untuk
mematikan printer beberapa saat dan kemudian menghidupkannya kembali.
5. Kertas tidak dapat masuk ke printer sebagaimana mestinya
Silakan mencoba petunjuk berikut untuk mengatasi masalah ini:
1. Cobalah untuk memuat ulang kertas ke dalam printer.
2. Bila ada, atur switch pilihan ukuran kertas sesuai dengan ukurannya.
3. Periksa kemungkinan terlalu banyaknya le mbaran kertas yang termuat.
4. Periksa apakah kertas dalam kondisi baik, tidak berkeriput atau melengkung.
5. Periksa apakah ukuran kertas adalah sama untuk setiap lembarnya.
6. Periksa apakah ada kertas lain yang tersumbat di dalam printer.
7. Periksa apakah “pintu” printer sudah tertutup dengan sempurna.
6. Kertas tidak dapat keluar dari printer
Untuk melepaskan kertas yang tersumbat (nyangkut) di dalam printer, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
1. Matikan power printer.
2. Lepaskan kabel power printer dari konektor (stop kontak) listrik.
3. Keluarkan kertas dari penampan (bila ada).
4. Buka pintu printer.
5. Apabila dimungkinkan, lepaskan pintu printer dengan menarik pegangan di kedua sisinya
kemudian angkat keatas.
6. Buka pemisah kertas (bila ada).
7. Pegang kertas yang tersumbat itu di kedua sisinya dan tarik keluar pelan-pelan.
8. Setelah kertas berhasil dikeluarkan, tutup kembali pemisah kertas (bila ada).
9. Pasang kembali pintu printer.
10. Tutup pintu printer.
11. Masukkan kertas ke penampan dan cobalah untuk mencetak kembali.
7. Hasil cetakan bergaris-garis
Untuk printer tinta, ada kemungkinan head printer kotor. Bersihkan head printer menggunakan
cara penanganan kasus 2 diatas. Apabila tidak memecahkan masalah, cobalah ganti catridge tinta
dengan yang baru dan biarkan semalaman, setelah itu coba gunakan lagi untuk mencetak. Untuk
printer tipe dot-matrix, kasus ini kemungkinan disebabkan oleh adanya komponen penggerak head yang bermasalah. Pernah terjadi kasus seperti ini pada printer dot - matrik yang disebabkan oleh matinya salah satu transistor penggerak head. Pernah pula kasus ini disebabkan oleh rusaknya kabel data yang mengirimkan informasi ke head printer. Kalau kasus ini terjadi, mau tidak mau anda harus membawa printer dot-matrix anda ke tukang servis untuk mengganti komponen yang ada, kecuali anda paham tentang elektronika.
8. Beberapa fitur yang dijanjikan oleh produsen printer tidak dapat bekerja
Pastikan anda menggunakan driver printer yang dikeluarkan secara resmi oleh produsen pembuat printer untuk printer anda. Pastikan pula driver tersebut dirancang untuk sistem operasi yang anda gunakan. Cobalah untuk menggunakan versi terbaru dari driver yang dikeluarkan. Pastikan pula anda telah memenuhi syarat yang diajukan oleh produsen printer untuk menggunakan suatu fitur tertentu.
9. Printer menjadi lambat dalam mencetak
Kasus ini kebanyakan disebabkan karena penuhnya memori, baik memori komputer maupun memori yang ada di dalam printer. Coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk mengatasi masalah ini:
1. Bila anda menggunakan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT, pastikan anda
masih memiliki sisa ruang hardisk sekurang-kurangnya 120 MB.
2. Pastikan anda tidak menjalankan aplikasi lain yang menghabis kan memori.
3. Pastikan komputer anda bersih dari “virus” komputer.
4. Periksa kembali konfigurasi printer anda.
5. Cobalah untuk melakukan defragmentasi hardisk.
6. Bila hal ini tidak memecahkan masalah, cobalah untuk membandingkan kecepatan
mencetak dari printer anda di komputer lain. Apabila di komputer lain ternyata bisa lebih
cepat, kemungkinan komponen-komponen mainboard yang menangani komunikasi antara
komputer dengan printer anda sudah mulai “aus”.
10. Font yang tercetak tidak sama dengan yang tampil di layar monitor
Apakah anda menggunakan “True Type Font”? Penggunaan jenis font tersebut akan
menghasilkan cetakan yang sama dengan apa yang ada pada layar. Cobalah untuk mengganti
font yang anda gunakan dengan font yang berjenis “True Type Font”. Periksa pula apakah file
font yang anda gunakan tersedia di komputer anda. Apabila anda menggunakan printer yang berjenis postscript, matikan opsi penggantian “True Type Font” dengan “PostScript Font” melalui menu “Printer Preferences”. Pastikan pula driver printer anda tidak bermasalah. Cobalah untuk melakukan instalasi ulang driver menggunakan nama yang b erbeda atau update driver anda.
Diposkan oleh Read More di 00:50
Label: Tips Hardware
urip2549 mengatakan...
makasih banget atas infone.....karena saya slama ini cuma bisa ngetik, sering bermasalah dengan printer, tapi ga bisa ngapa-ngapa.Tapi saya dah nyoba nurut petunjuk ttg lampu cuma kethap-kethip......Bgaimana harus ngatasi?
Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Jumat, 19 Februari 2010
new teknologi
Norton AntiVirus 2010 is also able to identify the virus file, and then neutralize them, although this software does not remove these harmful files downloaded from the site. Pros 2010 Norton AntiVirus software has a friendly interface, easy installation performance, very proactive looking dangerous files. However, unfortunately there is no feature to auto-delete the detected malware, full scan is not too fast, and this software is not free, but paid for through a $ 39.99 retail Newegg ( / Product / Product.aspx? N82E168321084 item = 36 & nm_mc = OTC-pr1c3grabb3r & cm_mmc = OTC-pr1c3grabb 3r-_-Software + - + Security / Utilities-_-_-Symantec -32,108,436).
Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 Camera 3D
Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 Camera 3D - Maybe it's a lot of digital camera that can be used to capture a good picture, but different from the camera Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D is the latest W1. Hardware camera Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 is the world's first camera that can be used to view 3D images (3D), without using special 3D glasses. Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 uses 2 lens and 2-megapixel sensor to receive the 10 stereoscopic 3D effect, which simultaneously mengambail and make a 2D image layer 2 into a single 3D image, without removing the video and stereo sound from the 3D image.Device digital camera Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D system W1 this memilii Real 3D, including 3D picture viewer an 8-inch-called FinePix Real 3D V1. In addition, still equipped with direct services from Fujifilm for printing 3D images. Users can view 3D images in 3 ways, namely on the camera LCD screen 2D/3D, 3D viewer or cepatk lenticular to display a 2D image. Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 can also be used for 2D camera, with shooting settings Dual Capture mode where the user can take 2 images simultaneously in different settings.Camera Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1 is dibandrol price £ 430 or $ 600 for the camera W1, and 360 pounds, or $ 500 for the viewer V1.Main specifications Camera Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1: * Number of effective pixels: 10.0 million pixels * CCD sensor: 1/2.3-inch CCD x2 * Media storage: 42MB internal memory, SD memory card, SDHC memory card x2 * File format: o Image 3D MPO + JPEG, MPO (Multi Picture Format compatible) o Image 2D JPEG (Exif Ver 2.2 * 3) o 3D Movie-AVI (AVI format with stereo image 2 channels) o 2D Movie AVI format (Motion JPEG with sound) * Distance of focus: * Normal: 60cm / 2ft. to infinity * Macro (2D only): o Wide: Approx. 8cm - 80cm / 0.3ft. - 2.6ft. o telephoto: Approx. 60cm - 3m / 2.0ft. - 9.8ft. * Quick AF: Approx. 1m / 3.3ft. to infinity * LCD monitor: 2.8-inch, 230.000 color dot with Light Direction Control * Movie recording: 640 x 480 pixels / 320 x 240 pixels (30 frames / sec.) With stereo sound * Function of photography: o 3D: Auto parallax control, power management, guideline Framing, Frame No. memory o 2D: Face Detection (with Red-eye removal), Power management, guideline Framing, Frame No. memory * Playback Function: o 3D: Parallax adjustment, Multi-frame playback (with Micro thumbnail), cropping, resizing, Sorting by date, Slideshow o 2D: Face Detection (with Red-eye removal), Multi-frame playback (with Micro thumbnail), Sorting by date, cropping, resizing, Slideshow, Image rotate * Video output: NTSC / PAL selectable * Digital interface USB 2.0 High-speed * Power supply NP-95 Li-ion battery (included), AC power adapter AC-5VC * Dimension. 123.6 (W) x 68 (H) x 25.6 (D) mm / 4.9 (W) x 2.7 (H) x 1.0 (D) in. * Weight 260g / 9.2oz (excluding accessories, batteries and memory) [...] New Facebook Features
New Facebook Features - Facebook has released some of the features of Facebook Connect. On Wednesday (30/09) and then, these social networking sites introduced Translations, a tool that will help users translate the content on their sites in 65 languages are supported by Facebook Connect. The site was developed with Facebook Connect and Playgorund Wizard, designed to help developers and non developers to connect their Facebook sites.
Facebook Connect yourself first released in December 2008 and which allow a user to store information on various websites on the Internet. With Translations, users can translate the entire site or some sites such as applications or widgets. "After the user choose what language to use for the site or application, the user can ask for help from the community of Facebook users to translate the site, or the user can translate itself into." Cat said Lee, a spokesman for Facebook.
"In addition, Facebook has a Wizard services and Playground. Facebook Connect Wizard can help users sign up easily Translations services. Playground to provide sample code to add a picture porfil, user name, and friends at the user site. We also will add more sample code for Facebook. "Added Alex Himel, engineers Facebook.
Facebook Connect yourself first released in December 2008 and which allow a user to store information on various websites on the Internet. With Translations, users can translate the entire site or some sites such as applications or widgets. "After the user choose what language to use for the site or application, the user can ask for help from the community of Facebook users to translate the site, or the user can translate itself into." Cat said Lee, a spokesman for Facebook.
"In addition, Facebook has a Wizard services and Playground. Facebook Connect Wizard can help users sign up easily Translations services. Playground to provide sample code to add a picture porfil, user name, and friends at the user site. We also will add more sample code for Facebook. "Added Alex Himel, engineers Facebook.
Google Reach Wave 10.000 Thousand Fans

Google Reach Wave 10.000 Thousand Fans - A total of 10 thousands of computer users have access to the latest gadget from Google that allows them to create a collaborative e-mail, documents and blog posts. Google's Wave, a new tested began yesterday, has given the ease of Internet communication, where users can obtain all the Twitter posts, Facebook, and email updates in one place.
In addition, Google Wave also allow a user to invite other users to join 'wave', able to chat, reply, and even edit documents in real time. All images, text and diagrams can be in-reply by a participant at any time in a message. Still plus tools for editing process to prevent the error message delivery. After the number 10.000, Google is now asking the opinion of 100.00 users to join Google's Wave.
"Since Google first released the Google Wave project last May, we focus on scalability, stability, speed and reliability." Says Google.

Google Reach Wave 10.000 Thousand Fans - A total of 10 thousands of computer users have access to the latest gadget from Google that allows them to create a collaborative e-mail, documents and blog posts. Google's Wave, a new tested began yesterday, has given the ease of Internet communication, where users can obtain all the Twitter posts, Facebook, and email updates in one place.
In addition, Google Wave also allow a user to invite other users to join 'wave', able to chat, reply, and even edit documents in real time. All images, text and diagrams can be in-reply by a participant at any time in a message. Still plus tools for editing process to prevent the error message delivery. After the number 10.000, Google is now asking the opinion of 100.00 users to join Google's Wave.
"Since Google first released the Google Wave project last May, we focus on scalability, stability, speed and reliability." Says Google.
Make-Based SMS Gateway SMPP Protocol

Book Title: Making Own SMS Gateway (Esme) SMPP Protocol Based
Book Category: Networking
ISBN: 978-979-29-0720-9
Author: Romzi Imron Rozidi
Format / Qty. Pp: 14x21, xviii +150 pages
Issue / Edition: I, 1st Published
Thn Publication: 2009
Price: Rp. 39,500, --
Disc. 20%: Rp. 30,800, --
Info & Booking via email:
This book explains how a system of SMS service to work, even described how to build an SMS service server-class enterprise and can be connected directly to the SMS Center at the operator level. Programming will be done by using a programming language that is quite popular, the Visual Basic 6.0.
The discussion in this book include:
• Architecture and Elements of SMS Network
• Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol (SMPP); include: the type of parameters, SMPP Session ..
• SMPP Protocol Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0; include: the basics of programming SMPP protocol, programming using Smpp.dll.
• Examples; include: MC-Esme Interface, currency exchange rate info, quizzes and pooling, scheduled SMS.

Book Title: Making Own SMS Gateway (Esme) SMPP Protocol Based
Book Category: Networking
ISBN: 978-979-29-0720-9
Author: Romzi Imron Rozidi
Format / Qty. Pp: 14x21, xviii +150 pages
Issue / Edition: I, 1st Published
Thn Publication: 2009
Price: Rp. 39,500, --
Disc. 20%: Rp. 30,800, --
Info & Booking via email:
This book explains how a system of SMS service to work, even described how to build an SMS service server-class enterprise and can be connected directly to the SMS Center at the operator level. Programming will be done by using a programming language that is quite popular, the Visual Basic 6.0.
The discussion in this book include:
• Architecture and Elements of SMS Network
• Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol (SMPP); include: the type of parameters, SMPP Session ..
• SMPP Protocol Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0; include: the basics of programming SMPP protocol, programming using Smpp.dll.
• Examples; include: MC-Esme Interface, currency exchange rate info, quizzes and pooling, scheduled SMS.
BlackBerry Desktop Manager Version Mac

Black Berry Desktop Manager Version Mac - Began last week, Mac users who use the BlackBerry will be able to synchronize contact, calendar, tasks, and notes, as well as the iTunes music from a Mac computer into a smartphone made by RIM (Reseacrh In Motion) is. Mac specific software is called Desktop Manager is also able to synchronize data from Apple's iCal and Address Book, Microsoft Entourage, and other Mac-based applications.
Desktop Manager software also makes it easier BlackBerrian to install and remove applications, schedule, backup encryption, and trying to install the software update. Desktop Manager software is compatible with the operating system Mac OS 10.5.5 or above, and BlackBerry OS 4.2 or above. As for iTunes synchronization, Desktop Manager software is equipped with Media Sync feature that not only match the tone, but also track and album info.
iTunes RIM BlackBerry does not change just like the iPhone, unlike the ability to sync media to join Palm Pre mimic the iPhone, and iTunes does not sync to develop their own utility. BlackBerry Desktop Manager software ( / mac) for Mac version is free, and will be present from October 2, 2009.

Black Berry Desktop Manager Version Mac - Began last week, Mac users who use the BlackBerry will be able to synchronize contact, calendar, tasks, and notes, as well as the iTunes music from a Mac computer into a smartphone made by RIM (Reseacrh In Motion) is. Mac specific software is called Desktop Manager is also able to synchronize data from Apple's iCal and Address Book, Microsoft Entourage, and other Mac-based applications.
Desktop Manager software also makes it easier BlackBerrian to install and remove applications, schedule, backup encryption, and trying to install the software update. Desktop Manager software is compatible with the operating system Mac OS 10.5.5 or above, and BlackBerry OS 4.2 or above. As for iTunes synchronization, Desktop Manager software is equipped with Media Sync feature that not only match the tone, but also track and album info.
iTunes RIM BlackBerry does not change just like the iPhone, unlike the ability to sync media to join Palm Pre mimic the iPhone, and iTunes does not sync to develop their own utility. BlackBerry Desktop Manager software ( / mac) for Mac version is free, and will be present from October 2, 2009.
Google Create Fast Flip |

From Monday (14/09) and then, Google has launched Google product Fast Fold Beta ( to the world. Fast Fold is nothing, but simply a content browser that allows users to virtually see the 'flip this page' of content online quickly. The reason of the existence of Fast Fold consumption comes from a lot of time reading news online. According to Google, although using a broadband connection, but loading the website currently takes at least 10 seconds. Google desirable thing is to help users read the news from the traditional way, where the user just did a flip pages and news content will be displayed in seconds. Google adds, this is way better than reading the content with the page load time waiting for a long time.
However, there can not Google Fast Flip resolved. Content that can still be read 'online', but users can only see the picture, because Google works with many websites to put its content on the Fast Flip and apply for the results. The problem is that the user can not click on the link in the page or scroll because the user can only move to the side, or flip to the front or rear.
Google added, Fast Fold is for publishers to display the original story. If you want to access the original article, the user simply clicks on image and will be directed to the source page, complete with links and original content. For now, users can not customize Fast Fold to include personal web pages.
From Monday (14/09) and then, Google has launched Google product Fast Fold Beta ( to the world. Fast Fold is nothing, but simply a content browser that allows users to virtually see the 'flip this page' of content online quickly. The reason of the existence of Fast Fold consumption comes from a lot of time reading news online. According to Google, although using a broadband connection, but loading the website currently takes at least 10 seconds. Google desirable thing is to help users read the news from the traditional way, where the user just did a flip pages and news content will be displayed in seconds. Google adds, this is way better than reading the content with the page load time waiting for a long time.
However, there can not Google Fast Flip resolved. Content that can still be read 'online', but users can only see the picture, because Google works with many websites to put its content on the Fast Flip and apply for the results. The problem is that the user can not click on the link in the page or scroll because the user can only move to the side, or flip to the front or rear.
Google added, Fast Fold is for publishers to display the original story. If you want to access the original article, the user simply clicks on image and will be directed to the source page, complete with links and original content. For now, users can not customize Fast Fold to include personal web pages.
Model Anissa Holmes Back on facebook

Anissa Holmes Playboy magazine model who found his personal account has been turned off by Facebook some time ago, and Ryan Doyle, host of CFRB, where the profile would be removed after he was interviewed Holmes on TV, now they have to get back his personal account.
Holmes (28) and Doyle (32) has received notification from Facebook on his profile, after Facebook backup and reported cases of this Facebook account deletion via the Sun up to the TV media.
Case deletion Holmes on Facebook profiles are initially appeared in the Toronto Sun earlier this month. Furthermore, Doyle Holmes is interviewed on 18 September and also banned, after 4 days. This causes a porn star has to submit a complain to the Privacy Commissioner's office in Canada after Facebook refused to return or delete hundreds of photos that have been posted Holmes.
While Doyle in the email said it was told that his Facebook account in a state error that can not be accessed.

Anissa Holmes Playboy magazine model who found his personal account has been turned off by Facebook some time ago, and Ryan Doyle, host of CFRB, where the profile would be removed after he was interviewed Holmes on TV, now they have to get back his personal account.
Holmes (28) and Doyle (32) has received notification from Facebook on his profile, after Facebook backup and reported cases of this Facebook account deletion via the Sun up to the TV media.
Case deletion Holmes on Facebook profiles are initially appeared in the Toronto Sun earlier this month. Furthermore, Doyle Holmes is interviewed on 18 September and also banned, after 4 days. This causes a porn star has to submit a complain to the Privacy Commissioner's office in Canada after Facebook refused to return or delete hundreds of photos that have been posted Holmes.
While Doyle in the email said it was told that his Facebook account in a state error that can not be accessed.
Free Download Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Security Essentials


Free Download Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Security Essentials - Microsoft, on Tuesday (29/09) This provides confirmation has launched a new free security software that could be developed for almost a year. "Microsoft Security Essentials, a free security software that have been released today." Revealed the Microsoft.
Microsoft Security Essentials software was released to replace the Windows Live OneCare, a security software that 'retirement' at the end of June and 20,009. Microsoft Security Essentials software was also previously been tested in beta last June. Microsoft Security Essentials or formerly known as the Morro, shows that Microsoft will not compete in the market paid software.
"Microsoft Security Essentials software is going out of business, would not be like Symantec or McAfee application. Microsoft still must prove himself in the arena of paid software. For example, Windows Defender, which was also released for free. Moreover, Microsoft Security Essentials software is also not become anti-spyware product best. We also learned that Symantec and others have shared information about the various threats and security risks with Microsoft as an attempt to protect all consumers. Perhaps the entry of Microsoft into the security space, it will affect relations with other antivirus vendors. "According to the opinion of Andrew Storms, nCircle Network Security direktu Security.
Microsoft Security Essentials software for free has been compatible with Windows XP operating system, Vista and Windows 7 with a capacity of 4.7MB download from the Microsoft web site ( / security_essentials /).
Microsoft Security Essentials software was released to replace the Windows Live OneCare, a security software that 'retirement' at the end of June and 20,009. Microsoft Security Essentials software was also previously been tested in beta last June. Microsoft Security Essentials or formerly known as the Morro, shows that Microsoft will not compete in the market paid software.
"Microsoft Security Essentials software is going out of business, would not be like Symantec or McAfee application. Microsoft still must prove himself in the arena of paid software. For example, Windows Defender, which was also released for free. Moreover, Microsoft Security Essentials software is also not become anti-spyware product best. We also learned that Symantec and others have shared information about the various threats and security risks with Microsoft as an attempt to protect all consumers. Perhaps the entry of Microsoft into the security space, it will affect relations with other antivirus vendors. "According to the opinion of Andrew Storms, nCircle Network Security direktu Security.
Microsoft Security Essentials software for free has been compatible with Windows XP operating system, Vista and Windows 7 with a capacity of 4.7MB download from the Microsoft web site ( / security_essentials /).
Applications and Software Blackberry

Current application or software blackberry blackberry so many kinds. As the hottest gadgets this time, many vendors vying parties to make aplikasi2 and platform software for blackberries. applications ranging from blackberries and blackberry software business supporting such currency converter, etc., until the application for fun. But there are some applications you should install to make your blackberry is more fun to use. Here it is 5 applications and software blackberry blackberry my choice.
1. Opera Mini
Mini multiplatform browser is not as fast as the browser's built-in BlackBerry 4.5, but will serve the page and zoom the display parts like when viewed with ordinary PC. Suitable for you who want tampila details of a site
2. Flickr
With Flickr application, you can upload photos to your flickr account directly from the built in camera shots or select an image from a media card or one of the media directory on your blackberry.
3. Facebook
Blackberry facebook application is obligatory. Update the status, read the message, and send messages to friends walls and send photos directly to your photo pages can be done very easily with this free application.
4. Google Suite
Applications for the BlackBerry mobile email is really great. Gmail faster, Google Nees page easy to navigate and mobile mapping tool was good. Google Sync for BlackBerry to keep your BlackBerry calendar with Google Calendar sync in both directions.
5. Sudoku
This game has made many people addicted. Its trial version does not allow you to download a new puzzle every day, but it is quite a lot of games with three levels of difficulty. Suitable for killing time.
With so many outstanding applications blackberries, I recommend you to install the software blackberry 5 above. Guaranteed you will increasingly love with your BB.

Current application or software blackberry blackberry so many kinds. As the hottest gadgets this time, many vendors vying parties to make aplikasi2 and platform software for blackberries. applications ranging from blackberries and blackberry software business supporting such currency converter, etc., until the application for fun. But there are some applications you should install to make your blackberry is more fun to use. Here it is 5 applications and software blackberry blackberry my choice.
1. Opera Mini
Mini multiplatform browser is not as fast as the browser's built-in BlackBerry 4.5, but will serve the page and zoom the display parts like when viewed with ordinary PC. Suitable for you who want tampila details of a site
2. Flickr
With Flickr application, you can upload photos to your flickr account directly from the built in camera shots or select an image from a media card or one of the media directory on your blackberry.
3. Facebook
Blackberry facebook application is obligatory. Update the status, read the message, and send messages to friends walls and send photos directly to your photo pages can be done very easily with this free application.
4. Google Suite
Applications for the BlackBerry mobile email is really great. Gmail faster, Google Nees page easy to navigate and mobile mapping tool was good. Google Sync for BlackBerry to keep your BlackBerry calendar with Google Calendar sync in both directions.
5. Sudoku
This game has made many people addicted. Its trial version does not allow you to download a new puzzle every day, but it is quite a lot of games with three levels of difficulty. Suitable for killing time.
With so many outstanding applications blackberries, I recommend you to install the software blackberry 5 above. Guaranteed you will increasingly love with your BB.
Microsoft Fined 358 Million Dollars?

U.S. District Court last year has given the decision a fine of $ 358 million for patent infringement committed by Microsoft Corp., the company against the French telecom equipment, Alcatel-Lucent. U.S. court that handles many patent and trademark cases, say that poihak Microsoft has violated the patents, LG, namely relating to technology that allows the user to enter dates into the calendar in Outlook email program, called the patent "Day".
"Because the decision on violation feature of Outlook is not supported by strong evidence, then the fine will be suspended." Peel the court, Friday (11/09). While the party is represented by Microsoft's Kevin Kutz, says delighted with this fine suspension, and it will make the appeals process.
While the Alcatel-Lucent, claiming very disappointed in the judge's decision, and they felt that Microsoft was doing his own invention patents. Patents, "Day" is now still a long cases worth tens of billions of dollars between Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent.
U.S. District Court last year has given the decision a fine of $ 358 million for patent infringement committed by Microsoft Corp., the company against the French telecom equipment, Alcatel-Lucent. U.S. court that handles many patent and trademark cases, say that poihak Microsoft has violated the patents, LG, namely relating to technology that allows the user to enter dates into the calendar in Outlook email program, called the patent "Day".
"Because the decision on violation feature of Outlook is not supported by strong evidence, then the fine will be suspended." Peel the court, Friday (11/09). While the party is represented by Microsoft's Kevin Kutz, says delighted with this fine suspension, and it will make the appeals process.
While the Alcatel-Lucent, claiming very disappointed in the judge's decision, and they felt that Microsoft was doing his own invention patents. Patents, "Day" is now still a long cases worth tens of billions of dollars between Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent.
Facebook Add Features Tag People in Status

Facebook will soon make friends in the tag feature wall posts, the same as when the user do with the image tag. Facebook product manager, Andrew Huang, reveals that the status of the tag will be present in the next few weeks.
For example, if the update status of the form was eating with friends, then the user can tag posts with the name of the friend. This is what allows someone to send all posts status to a particular friend.
Similarly, when the user is now easily take pictures of friends, because they have to share the relevant photos. Users are also able to brand and business references available on Facebook Pages, such as event, group, and applications. To use the tag feature friends such, the user must type the symbol "at" in their posts. This will activate the drop down menu, containing the list of other users who might choose to reference. Symbol "at" will not appear on the user postin wall, but only a link to a friend that will be displayed.

Facebook will soon make friends in the tag feature wall posts, the same as when the user do with the image tag. Facebook product manager, Andrew Huang, reveals that the status of the tag will be present in the next few weeks.
For example, if the update status of the form was eating with friends, then the user can tag posts with the name of the friend. This is what allows someone to send all posts status to a particular friend.
Similarly, when the user is now easily take pictures of friends, because they have to share the relevant photos. Users are also able to brand and business references available on Facebook Pages, such as event, group, and applications. To use the tag feature friends such, the user must type the symbol "at" in their posts. This will activate the drop down menu, containing the list of other users who might choose to reference. Symbol "at" will not appear on the user postin wall, but only a link to a friend that will be displayed.
Samsung B3310 | Slide QWERTY phone and Unique

Ever see friendly mobile social networking simple! If the mobile phone Nokia 6760 Slide looks macho, what about the appearance of the latest phones Samsung B3310 type? The plan, Samsung B3310 mobile phone will appear in mid-September, and probably will be the most expensive QWERTY phone that has support also to the social networking site Facebook. Samsung B3310 comes with a 2-inch screen, FM radio facilities, and the hot key for quick access to Facebook and MySpace. Handset Samsung B3310 is also supported by a 2MP camera, display resolution of 220 x 176 pixels, Bluetooth connection and only support 2G data networks.
Samsung B3310 mobile phone specifications:
* Networks: 2G GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
* Dimensions: 91 x 54 x 17 mm
* Display: 2-inch, type TFT, 256K colors, resolution 240 x 320 pixels
* Features: QWERTY keyboard, polyphonic, MP3 ringtones, speakerphone
* Memory: Phonebook 1000, Internal 40 MB, slot microSD (TransFlash)
* Data:
o GPRS Class 10 (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
o EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps
o Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP
o USB v2.0
* Camera: 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels resolution, video QVGA
* Features:
o SMS, MMS, Email
o Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML
o Stereo FM radio with RDS
o Games
o Java MIDP 2.0
o MP4/H.263/H.264 player
o MP3 player
o Organizer
o Voice memo
o T9
* Color: Black, Pink, Blue
* Battery: Standard Li-Ion 800 mAh, Stand-by 380 hours, Talk time 5 hours
* Price estimate: £ 49.99
Ever see friendly mobile social networking simple! If the mobile phone Nokia 6760 Slide looks macho, what about the appearance of the latest phones Samsung B3310 type? The plan, Samsung B3310 mobile phone will appear in mid-September, and probably will be the most expensive QWERTY phone that has support also to the social networking site Facebook. Samsung B3310 comes with a 2-inch screen, FM radio facilities, and the hot key for quick access to Facebook and MySpace. Handset Samsung B3310 is also supported by a 2MP camera, display resolution of 220 x 176 pixels, Bluetooth connection and only support 2G data networks.
Samsung B3310 mobile phone specifications:
* Networks: 2G GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
* Dimensions: 91 x 54 x 17 mm
* Display: 2-inch, type TFT, 256K colors, resolution 240 x 320 pixels
* Features: QWERTY keyboard, polyphonic, MP3 ringtones, speakerphone
* Memory: Phonebook 1000, Internal 40 MB, slot microSD (TransFlash)
* Data:
o GPRS Class 10 (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
o EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps
o Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP
o USB v2.0
* Camera: 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels resolution, video QVGA
* Features:
o SMS, MMS, Email
o Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML
o Stereo FM radio with RDS
o Games
o Java MIDP 2.0
o MP4/H.263/H.264 player
o MP3 player
o Organizer
o Voice memo
o T9
* Color: Black, Pink, Blue
* Battery: Standard Li-Ion 800 mAh, Stand-by 380 hours, Talk time 5 hours
* Price estimate: £ 49.99
Windows Mobile 7

Windows Mobile 6.5 might just show off, but Microsoft is now preparing a replacement. Windows Mobile 7, a new system which will be entered into the phone with support of social networking sites. Mobile operating system is expected to be present at next year, about a year after the popular Windows Mobile 6.5. According, Microsofy many as 1.000 employees are working in the development of operating system Windows Mobile 7.
"Social Network and mobile phones are the two phenomena that are developing rapidly in culture, social culture, where they gave a big impact for the interaction between users. For that, a group of Windows Mobile 7 Communications is building in the phone system that can represent friends, drawings, messages and events into one. Our vision is to bring social networking to integrate it into the phone. For example, imagine if all newsfeed of all social networks in one phone. "Said Microsoft.
In essence, Microsoft wants to build a mobile social platform, which will make developers can create social applications for the system Windows Mobile 7. "The version of Windows Mobile 7 is built specifically for mobile phones truly personal and relevant, or what we call 'epic phone', which immediately entered the mobile phone market." Added Microsoft.
Windows Mobile 6.5 might just show off, but Microsoft is now preparing a replacement. Windows Mobile 7, a new system which will be entered into the phone with support of social networking sites. Mobile operating system is expected to be present at next year, about a year after the popular Windows Mobile 6.5. According, Microsofy many as 1.000 employees are working in the development of operating system Windows Mobile 7.
"Social Network and mobile phones are the two phenomena that are developing rapidly in culture, social culture, where they gave a big impact for the interaction between users. For that, a group of Windows Mobile 7 Communications is building in the phone system that can represent friends, drawings, messages and events into one. Our vision is to bring social networking to integrate it into the phone. For example, imagine if all newsfeed of all social networks in one phone. "Said Microsoft.
In essence, Microsoft wants to build a mobile social platform, which will make developers can create social applications for the system Windows Mobile 7. "The version of Windows Mobile 7 is built specifically for mobile phones truly personal and relevant, or what we call 'epic phone', which immediately entered the mobile phone market." Added Microsoft.
How To Phone Via Twitter and Facebook

For the first time, Twitter users will be facilitated by a voice call directly to the same follower through these Microblogging service. A third-party applications from Jajah, which is known as Jajah @ the call will be present in the beta, Thursday (17/09), which allows Twitter users to listen to two-way voice chat with each other by typing "@ call @ username", where "username" is the one Twitter ID to be addressed. Voice call will be limited for 2 minutes, but it likely will be extended to follow the next version. Apparently, making voice calls is almost equal to the verbal language of the tweet on Twitter.
According to Jajah, a provider of Internet communications with 10 million users, the service voice call it will allow Twitter users to make calls to other users, for people who call to follow on Twitter and callers have both Jajah account. Free voice call service is used and can work on devices that support Twitter, like the PC to the smartphone. One important element that this call voice services can hide caller's phone number, and the recipient can receive online or ignore the call if they do not want to talk.
Another case with Facebook's new in this week announced it will use third-party applications from the service provider Vivox to user communication with each other using a voice call. Both voice services provided by Facebook or Twitter to the user that the user feels safe with privacy, stability or other things.

For the first time, Twitter users will be facilitated by a voice call directly to the same follower through these Microblogging service. A third-party applications from Jajah, which is known as Jajah @ the call will be present in the beta, Thursday (17/09), which allows Twitter users to listen to two-way voice chat with each other by typing "@ call @ username", where "username" is the one Twitter ID to be addressed. Voice call will be limited for 2 minutes, but it likely will be extended to follow the next version. Apparently, making voice calls is almost equal to the verbal language of the tweet on Twitter.
According to Jajah, a provider of Internet communications with 10 million users, the service voice call it will allow Twitter users to make calls to other users, for people who call to follow on Twitter and callers have both Jajah account. Free voice call service is used and can work on devices that support Twitter, like the PC to the smartphone. One important element that this call voice services can hide caller's phone number, and the recipient can receive online or ignore the call if they do not want to talk.
Another case with Facebook's new in this week announced it will use third-party applications from the service provider Vivox to user communication with each other using a voice call. Both voice services provided by Facebook or Twitter to the user that the user feels safe with privacy, stability or other things.
LG GB230


LG has released a special slider on the outside of Russia, although not equipped with 3G connectivity functions and comes with a 2-inch display, 2MP camera. However, LG mobile phones are supported by GB230 memory cards up to 4GB microSD card and Bluetooth connections. LG GB230 phone can be used to listen to the radio without attaching headphones. LG phone Gb230 Price range $ 515, and looks elegant when held in hand.
LG phones GB230 Specifications:
* Networks: 2G GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
* Dimensions: 101.2 x 49.2 x 15.7 mm
* Weight: 89 g
* Display: 2-inch, type TFT, 256K colors, resolution 176 x 220 pixels
* Features: polyphonic, MP3 ringtones, speakerphone
* Memory: Phonebook 1000, Internal 6 MB, microSD (TransFlash) 4GB
* Data:
o GPRS Class 10 (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
o EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps
o Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP
o USB v2.0
* Camera: 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video QCIF @ 15fps
* Other Features:
o SMS, MMS, Email
o Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML
o Radio with RDS FM radio, FM recording, built-in antenna
o Games
o Java MIDP 2.0
o MP3/WAV player
o MP4/3gp player
o Voice memo
o Organizer
o T9
* Color: Black, Dark Blue
* Battery: Standard Li-Ion 800 mAh, Stand-by 400 hours, Talk time 5 hours
LG phones GB230 Specifications:
* Networks: 2G GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
* Dimensions: 101.2 x 49.2 x 15.7 mm
* Weight: 89 g
* Display: 2-inch, type TFT, 256K colors, resolution 176 x 220 pixels
* Features: polyphonic, MP3 ringtones, speakerphone
* Memory: Phonebook 1000, Internal 6 MB, microSD (TransFlash) 4GB
* Data:
o GPRS Class 10 (4 +1 / 3 +2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
o EDGE Class 10, 236.8 kbps
o Bluetooth v2.1 with A2DP
o USB v2.0
* Camera: 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video QCIF @ 15fps
* Other Features:
o SMS, MMS, Email
o Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML
o Radio with RDS FM radio, FM recording, built-in antenna
o Games
o Java MIDP 2.0
o MP3/WAV player
o MP4/3gp player
o Voice memo
o Organizer
o T9
* Color: Black, Dark Blue
* Battery: Standard Li-Ion 800 mAh, Stand-by 400 hours, Talk time 5 hours
Motorola MC9500 | Dual SIM Card


Motorola MC9500 has introduced a PDA with a different format than the traditional PDA. Motorola MC9500 PDA device has a unique design for the adapter into the WAN (Wide Area Network), plus a motion sensor features common in smartphones. Motorola MC9500 is designed for engineers, sales and retail automation. Model that looks like a solid, Motorola MC9500 is designed to be able to survive for outdoor use, but this device is the first with WAN capabilities.
Motorola MC9500 smartphone users can switch between the phone capabilities mobile networks GSM / HSDPA and CDMA / EVDO user demand. "Users do not always need a WAN, so that they can use only Wi-Fi and WAN subsystem added as a separate peripheral. Users may remove the keypad and put himself, so do not need to be sent back to Motorola. "Said Kristy Lupis, Motorola product manager.
Motorola MC9500 Smartphone is also equipped with sensor technology to support interactive applications, such as switches dynamically between the phone display portrait and landscape modes, making sleep mode. Motorola MC9500 battery pack is the key feature indicator to inform charging levels, as well as 'health' battery so that users can consider whether the battery had to be replaced or fixed use. Users also can choose the type of keypad 4, the calculator or alphanumeric and numeric phone layout.
Motorola MC9500 can run on Windows Mobile 6.1 system with a size of 3.7-inch touchscreen display and processor-based Marvell PXA320 XScale 806MHz, with 128MB RAM and 512MB flash memory. In addition, also has a microSD card in the back of the battery with a capacity of 32GB. Connectivity owned, including Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, IrDA wireless, and can be combined with a scanner or digital camera. MC9500 is designed to stay safe when dropped from a height of 1.8 meters, and anti-water. For Motorola MC9500 price range $ 2,495 to $ 3,295.
Motorola MC9500 smartphone users can switch between the phone capabilities mobile networks GSM / HSDPA and CDMA / EVDO user demand. "Users do not always need a WAN, so that they can use only Wi-Fi and WAN subsystem added as a separate peripheral. Users may remove the keypad and put himself, so do not need to be sent back to Motorola. "Said Kristy Lupis, Motorola product manager.
Motorola MC9500 Smartphone is also equipped with sensor technology to support interactive applications, such as switches dynamically between the phone display portrait and landscape modes, making sleep mode. Motorola MC9500 battery pack is the key feature indicator to inform charging levels, as well as 'health' battery so that users can consider whether the battery had to be replaced or fixed use. Users also can choose the type of keypad 4, the calculator or alphanumeric and numeric phone layout.
Motorola MC9500 can run on Windows Mobile 6.1 system with a size of 3.7-inch touchscreen display and processor-based Marvell PXA320 XScale 806MHz, with 128MB RAM and 512MB flash memory. In addition, also has a microSD card in the back of the battery with a capacity of 32GB. Connectivity owned, including Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g, Bluetooth, IrDA wireless, and can be combined with a scanner or digital camera. MC9500 is designed to stay safe when dropped from a height of 1.8 meters, and anti-water. For Motorola MC9500 price range $ 2,495 to $ 3,295.
Download Antivirus Handphone (HP) New.


download antivirus for mobile phones or the new HP I gave you that really want to download antivirus mobile phone which is now found in many many in the mobile phone virus that can make the application or HP you can make a damaged mobile phone you can not use the software because hp your application is broken due to the virus, many events as perna many people because the virus is very natural with the activities of your job.
Now you have a handphone nokia, samsung and Sony Erickson. Normal breathing relieved because of the antivirus software that can create comfort of no longer thinking about the damage that you use your mobile phone.
If you want to download you can download anti-virus software below:
1. NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Download : NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Type: Freeware
2. F-Commwarrior 2.0
Download : F-Commwarrior
Type: Freeware
3. AVG beta
Download : AVG beta
Type: Freeware
4. Airscanner Mobile Antivirus v2.0
Download : airscanner mobile antivirus
Type: Freeware
5. 1-2-3 Spyware Free Mobile
Download : mobile-22139-freeware
Type: Freeware
6. exoVirusStop
Download : exoVirusStop
Type: Shareware
7. Mobile Security Pack 2
Download : Security pack 2
Type: Shareware
8. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus 2.0
Download : bullguard mobile antivirus
Type: Trial
9. Kaspersky Mobile Security
Download : kaspersky mobile security trial
Type: Trial
10. ESET® Mobile Antivirus
Download : eset
Type: Trial 30-days
11. Avira Mobile
Download : antivir for mobile
Type: Trial 30-days
Now you have a handphone nokia, samsung and Sony Erickson. Normal breathing relieved because of the antivirus software that can create comfort of no longer thinking about the damage that you use your mobile phone.
If you want to download you can download anti-virus software below:
1. NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Download : NetQin Mobile Antivirus
Type: Freeware
2. F-Commwarrior 2.0
Download : F-Commwarrior
Type: Freeware
3. AVG beta
Download : AVG beta
Type: Freeware
4. Airscanner Mobile Antivirus v2.0
Download : airscanner mobile antivirus
Type: Freeware
5. 1-2-3 Spyware Free Mobile
Download : mobile-22139-freeware
Type: Freeware
6. exoVirusStop
Download : exoVirusStop
Type: Shareware
7. Mobile Security Pack 2
Download : Security pack 2
Type: Shareware
8. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus 2.0
Download : bullguard mobile antivirus
Type: Trial
9. Kaspersky Mobile Security
Download : kaspersky mobile security trial
Type: Trial
10. ESET® Mobile Antivirus
Download : eset
Type: Trial 30-days
11. Avira Mobile
Download : antivir for mobile
Type: Trial 30-days
Blackberry App Accessed Can The World Online

Research In Motion (Rim) on Tuesday announced the presence BlackBerry App World online on the website. BlackBerry users can now select the type of application is available by visiting the web site, / appworld
App World is an iTunes App Store and Android Market Rim version. Where there are multiform types of applications that are categorized for easy selection of applications that we need. User can view the screenshots, reviews, prices, and large file not a description of the application.
When an application is browsing through the use of computer, an e-mail will be sent to the user's BlackBerry handset along with a link to download the desired application program.
World BlackBerry app may be the case for users of old Apple & iTunes App Store, but at least will get BlackBerry users the convenience to get more applications of interest.

Research In Motion (Rim) on Tuesday announced the presence BlackBerry App World online on the website. BlackBerry users can now select the type of application is available by visiting the web site, / appworld
App World is an iTunes App Store and Android Market Rim version. Where there are multiform types of applications that are categorized for easy selection of applications that we need. User can view the screenshots, reviews, prices, and large file not a description of the application.
When an application is browsing through the use of computer, an e-mail will be sent to the user's BlackBerry handset along with a link to download the desired application program.
World BlackBerry app may be the case for users of old Apple & iTunes App Store, but at least will get BlackBerry users the convenience to get more applications of interest.
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